Thursday, September 08, 2005

Photographers and Katrina

As you all know, Katrina has devestated areas in the US. It's hard to imagine what it's like there to try to find food, shelter and safety. Everyone there is hurting in some way. Some will get help...most will not! Of special concern to Steve and myself is the plight of photographers in that region. We're self-employed which means we don't get benefits, empoyment insurance or many of the other things that those of you working for someone else not only receive, but likely take for granted. Photographers work on a contract basis, from job to job. As a result, if something happens and they can't work, there is no money, no medical, no food, no home. New Orleans is a key destination spot for weddings in the US. There are not going to be any more weddings in New Orleans any time soon. No weddings = no money.

Steve and I are fortunate enough to be part of a greater community of photographers. One that spans borders and crosses boundaries. This community has set up a charity called P.H.O.T.O. (Photographic Industry Helping Others To Overcome) that is geared specifically to help photographers. 100% of the donations are going to help photographers in need - 100%.

There are two ways you can give:

Donate via Visa/ Mastercard

Donate via PayPal

We have temporarily shifted our focus from the fun aspects of our blog and want to spend some time on this much more serious issue. Steve and I have already donated funds. If we were closer to this disaster we would open our home. I know that many of you would as well. Please help, in whatever way you can. No one person has to do it all - if we each do something small it becomes something huge.

Thanks so much to each of you - we'll be blogging again soon!

Kindest Regards,

Jen & Steve Bebb

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